Die Release Notes für 19-11 sind online im CD Portal.

Release Notes 19-11
Release Notes 19-11
BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant widget (feature update)
You now have the opportunity to get to know your BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant even better. This feature update gives you the opportunity to display examples for speech commands for your personal assistant. The display will update at regular time intervals. Tap the widget on your BMW's Control Display to access your BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant settings directly. You determine how comprehensive your widget should be. It is available in two display sizes, and you can activate it in the main menu itself.
Checkbox for the daytime running light with tail light
Make a mark at the rear of your BMW too. With the checkbox for the daytime running light with tail light, you determine whether you would like to switch the tail lights on or off when driving with the daytime running light. You can select what you prefer simply by using the control display in your vehicle. This keeps you on the safe side when driving in countries that require you to drive with the daytime running light, allowing you to enjoy your trip free of worry.
Drive Recorder (preparation for sale in Store)
Automatically or manually – the BMW Drive Recorder films your surroundings for up to 40 seconds. This allows you to precisely record critical driving situations in road traffic without having to do anything. And use the BMW Drive Recorder to collect wonderful memories of especially beautiful routes at the press of a button. Integrated cameras make it easy to shoot the videos.Note: The Remote Software Upgrade does not include the Drive Recorder itself as a feature, it enables certain vehicles to purchase this feature in the Connected Drive Store.
Validity of the Remote Software Upgrade and Release Notes
The new features and functional enhancements in this upgrade are effective only if your vehicle features the specific equipment features. Please refer to your vehicle’s Integrated Operating Instructions, contact your Service Partner or the BMW ConnectedDrive hotline for information about your vehicle’s equipment specifications.
Functional updates and improved quality
This Remote Software Upgrade updates existing functions to current technical standards and improves the quality.
Information about previous versions
Refer to the ConnectedDrive customer portal for any information about previous Remote Software Upgrade versions.
Updates of the Integrated Operating Instructions in the vehicle
Thanks to this Remote Software Upgrade, the Integrated Operating Instructions in the vehicle will feature the most up-to-date version.
Specific notes about this upgrade
It may take some time to reload ConnectedDrive apps after upgrading.First exit and lock your vehicle after the countdown for the upgrade has elapsed.
Some settings may have been reset following the upgrade (e.g. Connected Music or notification settings) and must be reactivated.
Reinitialisation may cause occasional control messages to appear on the display during or after an upgrade. Please observe control messages and note whether they are also displayed after having once again taken to the wheel.
IMPORTANT NOTE for IOS users: when downloading the upgrade with your smartphone, please connect via Bluetooth & WIFI in the Mobile Devices menu. If the Bluetooth and/or WIFI button is greyed out, please first activate Apps & Bluetooth Audio in the settings in the Mobile Devices submenu.
IMPORTANT NOTE for M vehicles: The installation instructions for the Remote Software Upgrade will only display after around 30-60 minutes after having switched off the engine in order to give the engine the necessary time to cool down. The instructions will only display before the engine is started. Therefore, to install, please wait until you see the installation instructions before you start the engine the next time you get in your vehicle.
IMPORTANT NOTE for Drive Recorder users: After upgrading, initial settings will be reset and recorded videos will be deleted.
Specific notes for hybrid vehicles
If you carry out the Remote Software Upgrade while charging, the charging process will stop and not continue automatically.Charging and air-conditioning settings may be reset after the Remote Software Upgrade (e.g. settings for charging at 6A instead of 16A). Please therefore reenter your preferences in the corresponding menus under Settings after the upgrade finishes.
We are looking forward to hearing your feedback on the BMW ConnectedDrive hotline to help us further improve our Remote Software Upgrade in the future.
Make a mark at the rear of your BMW too. With the checkbox for the daytime running light with tail light, you determine whether you would like to switch the tail lights on or off when driving with the daytime running light. You can select what you prefer simply by using the control display in your vehicle. This keeps you on the safe side when driving in countries that require you to drive with the daytime running light, allowing you to enjoy your trip free of worry.
Sehr schön. Jetzt braucht man nur noch dieses Update.
In der Theorie sieht das ja alles toll aus aber in der Praxis
Von was sind das hier die release notes?
Das sind die Release Notes des letzten verfügbaren Remote Update Software für BMW OS 7.Schon interessant das eine Deutsche Firma im BMW Connecteddrive Portal die Release Notes in Englisch angibt
Checkbox for the daytime running light with tail light
Make a mark at the rear of your BMW too. With the checkbox for the daytime running light with tail light, you determine whether you would like to switch the tail lights on or off when driving with the daytime running light. You can select what you prefer simply by using the control display in your vehicle. This keeps you on the safe side when driving in countries that require you to drive with the daytime running light, allowing you to enjoy your trip free of worry.Hier die Übersetzung:
Kontrollkästchen für das Tagfahrlicht mit Rücklicht
Machen Sie auch am Heck Ihres BMW eine Markierung. Mit dem Ankreuzfeld für das Tagfahrlicht mit Rücklicht legen Sie fest, ob Sie beim Fahren mit dem Tagfahrlicht die Rückleuchten ein- oder ausschalten möchten. Was Sie bevorzugen, können Sie einfach über die Kontrollanzeige in Ihrem Fahrzeug auswählen. So sind Sie in Ländern, die das Fahren mit dem Tagfahrlicht vorschreiben, auf der sicheren Seite und können Ihre Fahrt unbeschwert geniessen.Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)
Sehr schön, nur das ich trotz der Release 19-11 diese Checkbox nicht habe. -
Beschiss mit den upgrades, also echt
Sehr schön, nur das ich trotz der Release 19-11 diese Checkbox nicht habe.
Ich auch nicht... Und obwohl ich schon 20-03 habe...
Ich auch nicht... Und obwohl ich schon 20-03 habe...
Das sind die Release Notes des letzten verfügbaren Remote Update Software für BMW OS 7.Schon interessant das eine Deutsche Firma im BMW Connecteddrive Portal die Release Notes in Englisch angibt
Hier die Übersetzung:
Sehr schön, nur das ich trotz der Release 19-11 diese Checkbox nicht habe.
Wann wurden eure Kraftfahrzeuge gebaut?
Baujahr laut VIN-Decoder 09/2019 und ausgeliefert 10/2019. Ist ein G21 330i.