Beiträge von mustang997

    Entschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut, darum antworte ich auf Ennglisch.

    No, I haven't yet read through all of the comments, but I did read quite a few of them.

    Like you said, many have nice detailed answers with pictures from BC, but from what I have seen, it's xx km on the autobahn, xx km in the city, and the average is xx l/100 km. Some get 7-8l/100 km, other 11+. Maybe there are posts with consumption at a specific speed and I've missed it. Driving at high speed for one person might be slow for the other. Light traffic for you could be heavy traffic for someone else. City driving in Munich is not the same as city driving somewhere with 5 traffic lights and so on.

    But, like you said, consumption depends on many reasons. This is why I asked about a specific speed. Maybe I should have also added on a flat road without "slipstreaming". Yes, conditions will never be the same (wind, tire pressure...), but I think this is easier to compare. Of course, we have to trust BC numbers.

    150 km/h on a flat road in Germany should be quite similar to a flat road in Spain, the UK, the Netherlands, Croatia, or somewhere else. That is why I asked for consumption at constant speed. At least for me, it is easier to compare, as I can directly reference it to my consumption at that speed.

    And thank you for your comment :)