Beiträge von CalamariST

    Würde der Helix i5-Tieftöner gut mit dem Harman Kardon-Verstärker funktionieren?

    I've tried it, but there are too many controls for me☹️ You need to have a basic framework first and then refine it as you like😉

    Nevertheless, what can actually be achieved with the HIFI chassis? Is replacing the speakers mandatory?

    Does changing the cables help in the Bimmer, even if the plug connections are the bottleneck?

    Cables are not the bottleneck. You don't have to worry about that.

    Is it worth upgrading the H&K under-seat woofers to a HiFi system and if so, are they plug/play?

    I can only remember that it was described in some thread that the BM-200 under-seat woofer option would be useless for a HiFi system because of the voltage or something. I don't know if that would also apply to the H&K.

    Harman Kardon under-seat woofers cannot be plugged into HiFi system because the electrical resistance (ohm) is different. HiFi woofer is 4ohm. HarmanKardon woofers are 8ohm. They are not directly replaceable.

    In general, replacing under-seat woofers without adding a powerfull amplifier makes almost no difference. Even with the MatchUP amplifier, the difference between OEM woofers and Focal woofers was not significant for me in my G20. I would advise to invest in the MatchUp amp first. Then replace mids and tweets in the front channels: left, right and center. This will give you a much nicer sound. Replacing woofers makes the least effect.

    On your pictures there is a power amplifier (see last picture)

    So it is ID6! (like mine!)

    Yes, you need a *non* RAM cable set. You can calibrate it, but you don't have to (I just adapted the probe file a bit to suit my taste...)

    The basic setting of Match is something different, it should fit or be adjusted for the vehicle!

    And despite ID6 I installed an extra 10 square meter power supply... because the Match then has more power, internal fuses have to be swapped... because I also replaced the sub and LP... Just as a side note!

    I had Match Up7 in G20 with HiFi Audo and IDrive 6. There is no need for additional power cable. MatchUp7 ampliflier can get enough power from the original cable. No need to upgrade fuses. It's simple plug and play.

    P.S. Sorry for my english. I don't speak deutsch.

    Check out Match Up7 in the classifieds.

    Someone from Hildesheim is selling a used car.

    This should fit you. Installation and connection can be done in 10 minutes.

    However, the correct sound only occurs after calibration.

    I can share my calibration file for this setup as I had MatchUp 7 amplifier in my 2019 G20 sedan with HiFi audio on IDrive 6.

    (Sorry, I'm writing in english cause I don't speak deutsch.)

    Danke für diene Nachricht. Was Du schreibst schiebt mir ein Lächeln ins Gesicht. Hab grad mit dem Verkäufer kurz gesprochen. Je nachdem... Aber ich glaube Ihm. Er meinte ist gut zu fahren. Mittlerweile sind die Systeme einfach so gut das Sie es ausgleichen können. Klar der X drive wird immer im Vorteil sein... Bin gespannt wie es sein wird.

    Ab Februar besitze ich einen neuen G21 330d mit Hinterradantrieb. Davor besaß ich von 2019 bis 2024 einen G20 318d.

    Keine Sorge, der G21 330d mit Hinterradantrieb ist sowohl für normales als auch für sportlicheres Fahren absolut sicher. Ich finde es tatsächlich besser als die xDrive-Version, die sich etwas schwerer anfühlte. Mein Auto ist mit einem adaptiven M-Sportfahrwerk und 19-Zoll-RunFlat-Reifen ausgestattet. Wenn Ihnen der Komfort am Herzen liegt, können Sie auf 18-Zoll-Reifen ohne Notlaufeigenschaften umsteigen, dann ist der Komfort gut.