Beiträge von Calamari

    fter some consideration, I decided to use the magnetic phone holder.

    I chose the Scosche Magic Mount Magnet because Scosche is considered a "premium" producer of cell phone holders and accessories.

    I'm really happy how it turned out. G20 has the perfect position for the magnetic mount if you have a 8.8 inch display.


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    (Auto-translated to Deutsch):

    Endlich ein offizielles Update!

    Nach mehr als 20 Tagen im Dunkeln bekam mein Händler endlich offizielle Informationen von der BMW Zentrale.

    Es wurde bestätigt, dass mein Auto am 10. Juni durch Hagel beschädigt wurde. BMW teilte mit, dass es keine individuellen Schadensmeldungen veröffentlichen werde.
    Mir wurde angeboten, zwischen diesen beiden Optionen zu wählen:
    a) Kauf eines reparierten Fahrzeugs mit 1700 € Rabatt. Liefertermin unbekannt (maximal 6-8 Wochen)
    b) Nachbestellung von Neufahrzeugen.

    Ich entschied mich sofort für ein neues Fahrzeug und hatte das Glück, dass mein Händler in der 29. Woche des Jahres 2019 (15. - 21. Juli) umgehend reagierte und einen vorrangigen Produktionsplatz bekam. Wenn alles wie geplant verläuft, sollte die Lieferung Anfang August erfolgen.

    Vielen Dank für die Bereitstellung von Informationen während dieser Wartezeit.

    English original below:

    Finally, an official update!

    After more than 20 days of tapping in the dark my dealer finally got official info from BMW central office.

    It was confirmed my car was damaged by hail on June 10th. BMW communicated it will not disclose individual damage reports.
    I was offered to choose between these two options:
    a) Purchase of a repaired vehicle with 1700€ discount. Delivery date unknown (maximum of 6-8 weeks)
    b) Re-ordering of new vehicle.

    I immediately opted for a new vehicle and was lucky that my dealer promptly reacted and got a priority production slot in 29th week of 2019 (July 15 – 21). If everything goes as planned, delivery should be in early August.

    Thank you all for providing informations during this wait period.


    My dealer today received a message from BMW (which he was explicitly unable to forward), according to which there will be NO individual reports. All vehicles seem to have continuous damage to the "horizontal steel or aluminum components", a small part also impacts on vertical. BMW has the damage remedied by a subcontractor (squeeze out) and this repair again by BMW technicians. Between 1 and 8 are - as expected - all series affected. The deductions were also specified in this letter, for the 3 Series would therefore offered 1700 €.

    I finally decided to let this car and take a new vehicle - appointment comes - theoretically - next week.

    Not exactly good news. :(

    I understand that you can choose to reject the offer and insist on getting a newly produced car. Is this correct?
    If you decide for the new car, what is expected waiting period? 6 weeks or more?

    P.S. My dealer still didn't receive any official info on this matter.

    (Auto-translated to Deutsch)
    "Keine besonders guten Nachrichten. :(

    Ich verstehe, dass Sie das Angebot ablehnen und auf der Anschaffung eines neu produzierten Autos bestehen können. Ist das richtig?
    Wenn Sie sich für das neue Auto entscheiden, welche Wartezeit wird erwartet? 6 Wochen oder länger?

    P.S.Mein Händler hat zu diesem Thema noch keine offiziellen Informationen erhalten."

    Looks like you are an english speaker?

    I got a copy of an info letter from BMW to the dealers ( looks like part of a regular info package), informing the dealers of the latest status on the hail damage and also explicitly clarifying that it is the dealers duty to inform the customer about the damage! I don't know where you are located but would assume that BMWs regs and procedures are the same everywhere, so you may want to question the info you get from the dealer...

    Yes. I'm an English speaker (I know just very little deutsch, not even nearly enough to write here). I'm located in Kroatien. My dealer did not get any official info about the hail damage. I have no reason not to trust him because we are family.

    If you have a copy of the info letter from BMW to the dealers, I would be grateful if you can share that with me. Danke schon

    Automatic translation below(English to Deutsch):
    "Ja Ich spreche Englisch (ich kann nur sehr wenig Deutsch, nicht einmal annähernd genug, um hier zu schreiben). Ich bin in Kroatien. Mein Händler hat keine offiziellen Informationen über den Hagelschaden erhalten. Ich habe keinen Grund, ihm nicht zu vertrauen, weil wir eine Familie sind.

    Wenn Sie eine Kopie des Infobriefs von BMW an die Händler haben, wäre ich Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie mir dies mitteilen könnten. Danke schon"

    Of course, the trader can only have a very limited influence, but overall I feel pretty stuck. Is there something new in my cohorts?

    Keine Updates von meiner Seite.

    Der Händler erhält keine Informationen von der BMW Zentrale. Wenn ich nicht über den Hagel aus den Medien gelesen hätte, würden weder mein Händler noch ich davon erfahren.

    Ich bestellte mein Auto am 25. April. Ich weiß nur, dass mein Auto am 31. May produziert wurde. und wartete auf den Transport am 10. Juni, als ein Hagelsturm Garching traf.

    (Übersetzt mit Google Translate)

    I wanted the 3 on 13.06. pick up.

    So have no detailed information :(

    (German translation via google translate):
    I am afraid that I am the third. sad.png

    I am in Croatia. My car should be delivered on 15.6.2019.

    My dealer only informed me that the delivery was delayed. No further information what was provided.
    Today I accidentally discovered that on Monday, the 10.6.2019, there was a big hail in Bavaria.

    I am angry !!!
    Everything says that my car is so damaged. Unfortunately, I have no information about the extent of the damage.

    English (original)
    I'm the one on the 3rd one. sad.png

    I am in Croatia. My car was supposed to be delivered on 15.6.2019.
    My dealer only informed me that delivery is delayed. No other information what was provided.
    Today I accidentally discovered that there was a big hail in Bavaria on Monday, 10.6.2019.

    I am mad !!!
    Everything points to the conclusion that my car was damaged too. Unfortunately, I do not have any information about the extent of damage.

    Best Micah wears also here: verhagelt

    Since you are already two sufferers here in the forum. :(

    German translation (via google translate):
    I am afraid that I am the third. :(

    I am in Croatia. My car should be delivered on 15.6.2019.

    My dealer only informed me that the delivery was delayed. No further information what was provided.
    Today I accidentally discovered that on Monday, the 10.6.2019, there was a big hail in Bavaria.

    I am angry!!!
    Everything indicates that my car was also damaged. Unfortunately, I have no information about the extent of the damage.

    English (original)
    I'm the one on the 3rd one. :(

    I am in Croatia. My car was supposed to be delivered on 15.6.2019.
    My dealer only informed me that delivery is delayed. No other information what was provided.
    Today I accidentally discovered that there was a big hail in Bavaria on Monday, 10.6.2019.

    I am mad !!!
    Everything points to the conclusion that my car was damaged too. Unfortunately, I do not have any information about the extent of damage.