Diese Motor/Getriebekombination ist einfach unübertroffen. Leistungsstark wenn man will und effizient wenn man will. Das Eine schließt das Andere im Gesamtkonzept nicht aus👍
Eure Verbrauchswerte mit dem M340i
Dortmund -> Köln -> Dortmund
Die meiste Zeit DAP aktiv mit +10kmh ab 70.
Eco Pro Individual
Fahrwerk Sport / Lenkung Comfort Plus
Alle Eco Funktionen aktiv
Hat es Spaß gemacht? Nein!
Hat es Spaß gemacht? Nein!
Glaube ich Dir auf's Wort - fahre die Strecke selbst oft genug.
Eine Fahrweise mit doppelt so hohem Spritverbrauch hätte auf der Strecke aber auch nicht mehr Spaß gemacht. Also den guten Sprit aufsparen für Einsätze, bei denen es sich lohnt
Glaube ich Dir auf's Wort - fahre die Strecke selbst oft genug.
Eine Fahrweise mit doppelt so hohem Spritverbrauch hätte auf der Strecke aber auch nicht mehr Spaß gemacht. Also den guten Sprit aufsparen für Einsätze, bei denen es sich lohnt
War beruflich und man bezahlt mich nicht wie schnell ich beim Kunden ankomme
Dürften um die 50€ für die Strecke sein, habe für 1,77€ getankt, also nur 21,60€ für die Strecke an Sprit verfahren.
Interesting that almost all M140i and 540i drivers have average consumption of 11-13l, and all ya'll M340i's consume 6-7l
I swear if your M340i consumes even just 8-9l overall AVG, you should've buy 320d instead...waste of car for your driving purpose.
Show pictures of "Factory consumption"-> those are only measures that are real, not your funny "reset just before 120km/h constant AB drive" lol
340i got a very good engine and fuel economy is on point..
I think mine is around 10,5l factory, thats pretty good.. even the M3 got a very good economy with around 10-11l, not that someone would care but its still a nice fact
Sure, 10.5l is very good for such power and also realistic.
I just don't get people here, buying M340i and than reseting counter to drive like a granny, just to brag here on forum that their rocket have a consumption of "7.2l". I would be ashamed to even admit that in M340i lol, even less so trying to force it just to make a stupid post
I think most posts here are more fun related and informative than really serious or just to brag how low the consumption is..
Thats also why the ppl in nearly every post admit that is was pretty boring driving this slow for such a long distance..
I can't say what my M340i will consume since I'm almost two weeks from picking it up. But when I just want to get from a to b and flow with the masses I don't say no to a smaller consumption.
When I visit my mother some 400km away it's usually on a friday and back on a sunday and everyone else seems to have the same idea at the same time.
I would be ashamed to even admit that in M340i lol, even less so trying to force it just to make a stupid post
But you´re not ashamed creating an account in a german forum just to make a stupid post?
You really didn´t undestand what most of the posts about low consumption are about, maybe because you don´t understand german well enough.
No one is bragging about the low consumption and how fun it is to drive like this.
You may not even understand what driving data means, because it´s the view "start of journey" and that view is starting from 0 automatically without a manual reset.